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The Sims Complete Collection Patch Freehold

❗ WARNING: S imsVIP does not assume liability should any 3rd party downloads cause harm to your PC or game. Download and install patches and fixes at your own risk.❗ WARNING: I have not played long enough to know if there are any issues or other types of problems post-fix. I’ve messed around in game for a few hours and everything seems to be working great on my end. User experience may vary.❗ NOTE: The instructions in this tutorial worked on my two PC’s, but may not work for you.

There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to play the game.❗ NOTE: I installed The Sims Complete Collection, so this tutorial may only work for this game and no other. However, other players have reported success with individual discs, The Sims Deluxe, Double Deluxe, and Mega Deluxe.If you have been hit with the dreaded “Please login with administrator privileges and try again” error message, this tutorial will help you bypass it in order to play.Install and Play The Sims on Windows 10. Install all discs included with the game version you own. Go to C: Program Files (x86) Maxis The Sims. Once you open the final folder, scroll all the way down to the bottom and find the Sims.exe file. Right click the icon and select “Rename”. Rename the file Sims.old (I left it as is in this folder going forward).

from YouTuber if not for them, I would have never found the correct link to this patch. Move the Sims.exe file you just download from the above link into C: Program Files (x86) Maxis The Sims. If for some reason you are not able to move it in there, download the file again, move it in, and rename it to Sims.exe.

Right click the Sims.exe file you just added to The Sims folder and add a shortcut to your Desktop. This allows for easy access and startup.

Right click the shortcut on your desktop and click the “Compatibility” tab. From there, click on “Change settings for all users” at the bottom. When the screen pops up, select the first drop down box under “Compatibility Mode” and choose Windows 7.

Also be sure that “Run this program as an Administrator” is selected as well!. Select “Apply” and then “Ok”.

This will bring you back to the first screen. Now, select the “Shortcut” tab to the left. In the “Target” section, paste the following at the end of the text: -w -r1024x768 This will enable windowed mode and the larger resolution.HUGE THANKS to for this tip!❗ If you run into any issues with this section of the tutorial, and your game does not load up in full screen,.“You can also run the game using the Run prompt (Windows Key + R). The first runs it in 1024×768, second is windowed at 800×600, and third is windowed at 1024×768Sims.exe -r1024x768Sims.exe -wSims.exe -w -r1024x768″You can also paste the 3 alphanumeric prompts in the “Target” box too. Once again, click “Apply” and “Ok” to close this box. Now at this point you should be able to start up the game and play on your screen (test this to make sure).

The one issue with this configuration is that the it causes the UI to break. The next part of this tutorial requires you to install a UI Fix so that you can play without the headaches causes by the broken UI. The altered UIGraphics Folder provided by reddit user. This will fix the UI bugs. Once you download this folder, you will need to merge it with the existing UIGraphics folder. Go to C: Program Files (x86) Maxis The Sims and open the existing UIGraphics folder. Move the contends of the altered UIGraphics file you downloaded into this folder.

Your UIGraphics folder should now contain 4 new folders inside.❗ If for some reason you have an issue with full screen not working, see the following suggestion by SimsVIP reader Isabelle.I had huge troubles getting the game to go into full screen mode. It turned out that since my computer has both a NVIDIA and an Intel graphics card the Intel card tells the game to keep the ratio (1024×768). I used -r1024x768 in the “Target” area.I right clicked on the desktop and clicked on the Intel graphic settings, I then clicked on “Monitor” and changed the “Scaling” from “Keep ratio” to “Scale to full screen”. Now it works! My computer is in Swedish so everything may not be called as I’ve called it above.

Sims 4 Complete Collection

I hope this will help! At this point, use the shortcut on your desktop to start up the game. If a prompt comes up asking if you want to allow an “unknown” publisher to make changes to your account, select Yes and jump into the game!Keep in mind that when you load up the game or visit new/different neighborhhods, the neighborhood screen will look small and seem a tad out of place. Once you select a home, move in a family, or zoom in, the game will go into full screen mode.You may also have some excess grey or black borders on the outer edges of the screen, but again, that will go away once you zoom in.Before you know it, you’ll be playing Volleyball with the Goths!This is everything I did in order to get the game to work on Windows 10. Like I said earlier, this may or may not necessarily work for you, but since it took me 3 hours to even get this game to work, I wanted to share in the event it helps you too!

Hi I recently updated my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I was able to run the game prior to the update. Despite my efforts contacting both Microsoft & EA Games no solution was found to my issue. I uninstalled the game after being unable to access it after theupdate. When I open the setup in compatibility mode I receive an error stating 'setup is having a problem closing autoplay please restart your pc and try again' which I do and to no avail the message returns on each try. There has to be a way to install andget this running on Windows 10.

PLEASE HELP!!!!Game Info - The Sims Collection is the 4 cd set of the original The Sims game along with all expansion packs/bonus content. Hi,Thank you for being a part of Windows 10 family.As you are using the disc to install the game on your computer, this wont help you install the game in compatibility mode. The only option here is to get a new set of discs that is compatible with Windows 10. Or else you may get the setup file and then installit in compatibility mode.You may also refer to the following Microsoft Help article to install programs in compatibility mode. The steps for Windows 8.1 applies to Windows 10 as well.Please feel free to visit our website for any help with Windows Operating System.

Basith M - Forum Moderator (Multiple Forums). I'm looking for the same solution. I'm desperate to get this running and if I don't I'll have to revert my OS back to Windows 8.1.I didn't uninstall mine.

I'm scared to. It will open the launcher but just does nothing when I choose screen resolution.

There are no processes running related to The Sims so I'm assuming it just exits. I even tried downloading and installing the XP Modeprogram but it will only run on Windows 7. None of the compatibility settings make any difference, even though the game ran perfectly in 8.1.This is a deal breaker for me!! I only use my laptop for 2 things and it's Sims 1 and school work. Seriously, this is bad!!!! Make this top priority! Put out a patch!!

Yea I am not reverting back to Windows 8.1 just for this game. If Microsoft sees enough people complaining about this they will have to come up with a solution. I know I have went through a number of Sims Forums and see that many people still enjoy thisgame and want it to work on Windows 10. Please Microsoft come up with a solution or at least get in contact with EA Games for some type of fix. I have contacted both support sides and both are an epic fail. Microsoft can you hear us? Please make The Sims CompleteCollection compatible for Windows 10!

Hi, I found a solution for your issues.I had the same problem as you did while installing the game in Windows 7 - in my case, an Adobe process was clashing with the game setup. I found that by coincidence after closing some adobe processes in the task manager and tried to install the game justafter. If you don't have adobe creative cloud, I suggest you try stopping every unnecessary process until the game installs fine. After the installation is complete and you just want to play the game, the process won't interfere any more.Next issue: Windows 10 is having a problem with old games in which it fails to verify if the game's original CD is in the driver, not opening the game.

To fix that, you just need a mod to play the game without the CD. You can find it here:Instructions on getting it working:1.) Make sure you already have the game installed on your computer.2.) Go to:C Program Files (x86) Maxis Sims.

The sims complete collection download

Rename the Sims.exe to sims.old. Make sure you keep this file in case the new one doesn't work.3.) Download the file and move the new Sims.exe to the same folder (:C Program Files (x86) Maxis Sims).4.) Launch, run the game in compatibility mode if necessary.UPDATED:Next issue (solved): Windows 10 is making playing this game a complete nightmare. Errors when saving the household, video bugs, etc.

To solve the problem, simply right clickon the Sims.exe file and click properties. In the properties window, select compatibility. I chose Windows 7 and to always run it as an administrator. The game is working 100% fine.

The Sims Complete Collection Patch Freehold

So happy!Hope this helps! You will probably have to wait forever. Playing old games that are no longer supported by the current operational system is the last of Microsoft's priorities right now, and EA Games has completely abandoned customer and tech support for The Sims 2 - imagineSims 1!Again: the compatibility mode changed to Windows 7 and always open as admin will fix your in-game bugs. Totally different issue from the one you're having.Your issue can be solved by doing what I said before. I didn't come up with it, I found it here: decided to take a shot and trust the user who shared this, and already scanned the file. No malware whatsoever and the game is working perfectly. I understand if you don't want to risk it, but you are definitely missing out!Keep me posted on the issue!

I found a fix!!!I didn't give up searching for a solution, and I came across this forum:problem turned out to be something to do with a copy protection feature called SafeDisc. Windows 10 does not support programs that use SafeDisc.

More on that here:solution is to bypass the use of the disc. Here is what plumbobthief posted (follow his instructions carefully):'Installing the mod that bypasses the disc and running the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP2 fixed the problem for me. A modified Sims.exe to do this can be found here:have uploaded it to Google Drive, as the website I found it on was a bit sketchy. I scanned it with my anitvirus and it came up normal. Google Drive also scans anything you upload with it's antivirus, but regardless use at your own risk. Please note thatthis is not a link to a pirated version of the game, just a fixed Sims.exe that will allow the game to launch on Windows 10.

I own the game and installed it on my computer via the installation disks. Obviously you will have to own the game too for this towork.Instructions on getting it working:1.) Make sure you already have the game installed on your computer.2.) Go to:C Program Files (x86) Maxis Sims. Rename the Sims.exe to sims.old. Make sure you keep this file in case the new one doesn't work.3.) Download the file and move the new Sims.exe to the same folder (:C Program Files (x86) Maxis Sims).4.) Launch, run the game in compatibility mode if necessary.5.) If it works, enjoy. If not, remove the new Sims.exe and change the old one to it's original name.Good luck.' It worked perfectly for me.

This is EXTREMELY frustrating. I upgraded to windows 10 over a month ago so I cannot revert back to windows 7 without buying a disk. Playing older games should Not be this difficult, it should be the opposite. I thought downloading windows 10 would helpthings and speed them up, which it has EXCEPT playing games that I have had on my computer for years but I can no longer play because no in Microsoft thought enough to keep these available.

I have tried the directions below but my antivirus wont allow it.Please make this a priority or make a patch so we can enjoy not just this game or the many others that fit in this category. Yea I haven't had luck with any of the suggestions on here thus far. I am waiting on an official patch or some type of assistance from Microsoft with this since I still have the CDs I want to be able to install from them since they seem to be theonly reliable version of this game I have come across. Hi Microsoft Support here's looking at you!If software is not compatible with Windows 10 and installing it in Compatibility Mode doesn't work then the only solution is for the software developers to provide compatibility updates.Microsoft has no responsibility; and what's more important has no legal right to provide updates or 'fixes' or 'patches' for 3rd-Party software. That's one reason why Microsoft makes early releases of its OS available to hardware and software developersfor testing with their products. If developers choose not to update their software then your gripe is with them. MJA Windows Insider, Surface Pro 3, MacBook Pro (VirtualBox + Windows 10).